The journey drew a line, with a string of one hundred mules, between Los Angeles and the source of its water in the Eastern Sierra. This one-month meditation was undertaken to commemorate the centenary of the opening of the Los Angeles Aqueduct in 2013. Mules were an important component of the labor force that made the building of the aqueduct possible. This action paid homage to the quiet dignity of the mule and the patient pace of its progress across this epic landscape.
Moving one hundred mules daily over a month was a huge endeavor. The logistics and teamwork drew together individuals whose unique skill set is still present in the valley where the packing industry still plays an essential role in the local economy. The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power gave permission to move along the 240 miles of channels, pipes and covered ditches which was, in and of itself, an important step in allowing this kind of performative survey of this critical public utility.